Tuesday, October 7, 2008

34 Week Appt!

So yesterday was my 34 week appointment. It accomplished absolutely nothing! I am now up to 28lbs, which the Dr. said was just fine! Since none of my shoes fit anymore, I can confidently say at least some of it is water weight :)

Since the Dr. couldn't tell whether or not Oliver is still breech, and since I haven't felt him turn or anything, we have scheduled an U/S for October 20th. I will be just under 36 weeks. I have my 36 week appointment right after that and we will discuss what happens next.

So I'm excited to see what's going on in there...I keep feeling for him and I'm sure I'll give him a concussion before the end..he he.

I also washed all of his clothes last night...they all fit into 1 load...but it took me FOREVER to put it all away because there were so many tiny pieces...I am already missing one sock! I think the dryer ate it... :)

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