Friday, June 27, 2008

OB Check-up this Morning!

I had my check-up this morning! Everything looks good so far! I've gained 12 lbs, which my OB says is right on target! (Which I don't know how since I've been stuffing my face for 4 months now!)

Since I've been sick for almost two weeks, she gave me a z-pack and put me on Claritin, rather than Zyrtec. We'll see if this makes any difference. Hopefully it does!!

Other than that, everything is going well. I have 2 super-quick ultrasounds in 2 and 4 weeks to check my cervical length, and another growth ultrasound at 32 weeks.

I bought Oliver's first outfit at Kohl's yesterday. I was super excited and went to lay it out so Jason could see it when he got home, and I noticed that someone had ripped a hole in it, sewed it back together, and must have returned it to the store. Needless to say, I wasn't very impressed...So...back to Kohl's I go.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008


So, it's finally official...we're having a BOY!!

And not only that....a HEALTHY boy!!

Here are the few pictures we got...

And the money shot:

He's not even born yet and Mom's already posting embarrassing pictures of him!!!

Almost half way there Oliver Daniel!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kick, Kick, Kick

So, baby Garrett has been kicking away! I just started feeling it a few days ago. Apparently "he" likes Mountain Dew and pizza calzones from Howie's... :)

Tomorrow's the Big Day!!

So, the day we've been waiting for is finally upon us! I am very excited to find out the sex, but more excited to see a healthy baby!!

Jason and I are considering a baby crib made by the Amish. We figured you couldn't get better quality than that!

This is what it looks like:
Ain't it perty?? :)

It takes about 12 weeks to get it made and sent from we better get on it!