Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New things in Odieland...

So Oliver has been learning new things everyday!

He has officially perfected crawling and is pulling up everywhere! He stands on the gate into the kitchen like a prison if I can just keep him from chewing on my coffee table...and who said kids weren't just like dogs??

Speaking of dogs, my wonderful sweetie Francine decided to projectile vomit this liquidy bile stuff all over the wall by the back door. She must have done this when I left the room, so I didn't see it at first...

A few minutes later I see Oliver all covered in..."something" and I start looking around and I realize he is covered in Francine puke....sigh.

It only took Hermie .2 seconds to realize that Odie feeds you think she wants something???

Labor Day Weekend

Finally, some nice weather! We all went up to Grandma and Grandpa Young's for some lakeside fun!

We all had a great time....Jeffrey brought the bean bag toss, and we brought the wii and hooked it up outside after dark for some twilight bowling :) It was a lot of fun!

Odie and Mom!

oohhh...a zipper! Thanks Aunt Julie!!

Bowl Grandpa Bowl!
oohhh... I want to play too!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oliver's 9 (actually 10) Month appointment

Oliver's check-up went well! Dr. Hart says that his skills are above average...which we already knew...of course ;)

He now weighs 19lbs 15oz and is 28 3/4 inches tall.

He got a flu shot, which he wasn't too happy about, but other than that, everything went great...and we were even out of there in a little over 30 minutes!

Finally...a weekend at home!

Last week was a big week for Oliver! He is now standing up in his crib and pulling himself up to the coffee table...he also pulls himself up to the gate into the kitchen and yells at it like an inmate...apparently patience isn't something that you are born

On Saturday, we went to Jeff and Julie's and had dinner with my parents. Odie had a great time playing with the doggies, especially Gracie...she's so sweet and even handled Oliver stealing her bone...and trying to eat it himself, of course :)