Thursday, October 8, 2009

New things everyday!

Odie is now creeping all around the living room....he loves making laps around the coffee table!

This also means that he falls down a lot more....which means we have several Odie pity-parties a day

He has switched to whole milk (yay no more formula) and has eaten peanut butter...and he is still I think that went now he can have PB&J's for lunch...(yay...another easy meal for Mom!!)

In order to gain the girls' trust, Odie has been feeding them any chance he gets...he had a wonderful time taunting Hermie with animal crackers last night...

After giving Odie a bath last night, I went to grab his high chair tray to wash it...but when I got there it was spotless...even though Trudy is the oldest...she's the only one brave enough to span the distance between the high chair and the couch for some leftover pulled pork and mixed fruit...little bugger...

Here's a pic of him eating dinner last night from my phone....

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