Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 week Appt

So, yesterday, I had my 28 week appt. That means I had to take my ucky glucose tolerance test. The sugar drink made me want to pass out...which only made waiting over 30 minutes to see the Dr. worse! (You might think 30 minutes is not bad...but I was the FIRST patient at 7:50 AM...Don't let me interupt your morning coffee doc!! grrrr)

Other than that, everything looked great. I am measuring right on schedule, my bp was low...but I've gained 24 lbs!!! Holy Moly Batman!! So, I began to rethink my eating habits at 24 weeks with I definitely need to rethink at 28 weeks!!! Of course...that means after Labor Day weekend...he he he.

My next appt is not until 32 weeks, but I'll have a growth u/s too, so that will be way fun!!

1 comment:

Betsy Yates said...

Hi Ashley,
I found you on the SheKnows.Com board. After my glucose test last week (I enjoyed the Fruit Punch flavored drink!), the doc's office called back, said I "passed" and do not have gestational diabetes, but that I was anemic. This after what I thought were very healthy eating habits. You just never know! Good luck with your test and the rest of the pregnancy! :)