Saturday, July 30, 2011

Steam Engine Show

Jason and I took the family to Mason and met my parents for the Steam Engine show. My Grandpa always took my brother and I when we were little, so it was a sweet reminder of days gone by.

It was quite hot and humid since parts of Mason had been flooded earlier in the week, but Oliver enjoyed looking at the tractors and, of course, wearing his new steam engine hat :)

Here's Oliver refusing to smile next to the Oliver tractor...LOL

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet Taters!

Spencer is a great eater! We're moving right down the road to lots of different food and puffs! I'm sure Oliver will be stealing plenty of them :)

Oliver and Mom taking some self portraits :) He was getting a little jealous...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Conversations with Odie

Odie: I pooped in the toilet Mom! A REAL BIG ONE!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Potty Time!

The time has finally come! Oliver has asked AND has actually pooped in the potty.

You never realize how monumental this is until you become a parent!


Conversations with Odie

Odie: "I don't think Trudy likes bubbles..."
Me: "No, I don't think she does."
Trudy: (Fleeing the scene)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hot Air Jubilee

The Garrett Family, along with both sets of Grandparents, went down to Jackson for the Hot Air Jubilee. I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how old you are, hot air balloons are just cool :)

We did wait through a VERY hot line to ride Laura the Elephant...who will be at the 175th Celebration in Leslie this fall. She was very nice, but a little afraid of the horses...which happened to trot by while we were riding her.

They were also selling bubble guns (at three times the going price, of course) but Jason and I saw the endless potential for toddler we purchased one. Again...I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how old you are...bubbles are just cool :)

Two revelations in one blog was a special occasion.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pool Party!

The weekend we returned from our 4th of July vacation, we went over to "Grandma" Martha's for a pool party.

Last year Oliver somehow developed an extreme fear of water...especially any that would go much deeper than his feet. This definitely included Martha and Duffy's pool. Try as we may, we could not coax him into the water.

This year, however, has turned into a different story! Oliver has been "swimming" in a raft and allowing us to hold him in the pool. Alexis and Beckham were there (complete fishes!) and I think it really helped. Even Spencer enjoyed his little float around the pool with me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July!

Our week-long vacation has been filled with playing on the beach, boat rides, wagon rides, name it!

Even though the boys' sleeping habits left much to be desired, we all had a great time! The weather was one of the best we've ever had with plenty of opportunities for some fun in the sun!

Lovin' the boat!


The new "classic": Odie and Uncle Jeff driving the boat!

Raft Time!

The "oohs and ahhs" of fireworks!

"yeah...not sure about that..."
Spencer's first time in the lake! (With big bro and sis watching)

Lake time!

"yeah...that's what I think too..."

First trip to Dublin General Store :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Slumber Party!

Agnes and Olive "hosted" a slumber party for "girls only" at Aunt Julie's camper. They all received pedicures.
Oliver really really wanted to he got his toe nails painted too...which was apparently enough to appease Olive and Agnes.

Oliver was having a ball telling scary stories! As usual, he was the life of the party.

Of course...we had a couple of party crashers...