Friday, February 18, 2011

Please Welcome Spencer Charles Garrett!

I am happy to announce that, for the most part, everything went just as planned! We arrived at the hospital at 6 AM, got checked in and started the onslaught of IV's, medications and paperwork. Right before we were about to go back to the OR, the hospital claimed that it didn't have two samples of my blood type...a new we were delayed. Right as I was at my limit for sitting on those torturous OB triage beds, they found another sample and wheeled us on to our next destination.

I was transferred and given my spinal as Jason waited outside the door. Once I was numb, he was brought in and the procedure began. We were both quite nervous since Oliver required a stay in the NICU and we were stuck in the OR not knowing what was happening. Not to mention, it's quite unnerving to be awake and "hope" that you are indeed numb...which of course I was.

It took the Dr. a little while to actually prepare for Spencer's birth. My uterus was stretched so thin that she said that she could even see Spencer through it...the reason that we are all happy that I did not attempt a natural birth.

Slowly but surely, the time came for the resident to give the top of my abdomen a nice hearty push and then Spencer was born at 8:59 AM, February 18th, 2011.

He immediately started crying and assisted the nurses in clearing out those lungs! His apgar scores were 8 and 9...and he required no NICU assistance. He weighed only 6lbs, 13oz and was 20in long. Since his station was directly across from mine, I was able to watch him while they finished working on me...and Jason was able to hold him within a few minutes.

The post-baby work took a little longer since the Dr. needed to work on the thin sections of my uterus. She did say that we would be able to have more children...but Jason and I are happy to be done.

Once everything was stitched and stapled, I was wheeled out of the OR with Spencer in my arms.

We were lucky and were the first patients to use one of the brand new post-op rooms. It was a nice place to sit and wait for the feeling to return to my legs! This is also where we were able to send Spencer's first pictures to our friends and family.

Within a few hours were were moved into our final room where we were able to settle in for the next two days. Before we knew it, Spencer received so many wonderful visitors and gifts! I can't begin to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness!

Friday night, Oliver came up with Grandma and Grandpa Feazel. He was definitely more interested in the balloons he brought, but he loved his little brother immediately! We are definitely going to need to work with Oliver on being gentle, but I'm pretty sure it's par for the course.

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