Oliver has been learning more and more every day. Just this week he counted to 6 while taking care of his cars. I've never heard him go higher than 3!
He is also very concerned with possession. It's either Momma's coat, Daddy's coat, or MY coat!
He loves to have his own items, such as blankets and a spot on the couch. He also finds it very funny to "steal" mommy and daddy's blankies as well...

Oliver spends at least an hour a day coloring. He loves to pick out colors and trade them in for different ones. For some reason he always crumples up the paper to give it to you...a form of artistic expression perhaps??

Hooray for Odie-sized bananas! He loves to sit and eat an entire banana all by himself! It takes some effort to keep him sitting for the entire thing, but it's a work in progress :)

We're very excited for Christmas! He's just going to love all of his wonderful gifts from family, friends and Santa!!
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