Playing with Bubbles at Grandma Garrett's
We spent New Year's at Jeffrey's house with a bunch of people. Odie had a great time, and even went to sleep and kept sleeping through pool, Rock Band and the New Year...such a good sleeper.
Shortly after the holidays came to a close, Oliver got sick. It started with a fever and a few days later the Dr. said he had Strep throat. UGH. He was miserable. At least his antibiotics tasted like bubble gum, or else it would have been even worse!
It took Oliver over a week to really start feeling better. He was starting to think his Tylenol, which he needed every 4 hours to not have a MAJOR meltdown, was a tasty treat. :)
Right along the same time, his two front teeth were starting to come in...and they are still starting to come in. I think at this rate, Oliver will have all his teeth in just enough time to lose them all for permanent ones. He still only has 1 tooth...poor guy.
Regardless, he's having no problem chewing anything. He must have super gums!
Other than that, the month has been pretty uneventful. We did take a trip to see my Aunt Shelly in Grand Rapids, and Oliver was great the entire time we were there. He even let me carry him around an antique store for a while. I was worried that a new environment would mean lots of new things to get into...but for the most part, he was good. He wanted the remote, of course, but can you blame him? He's a's in his genes. :)
Since Jason went back to work this month (YAY for a paycheck!!) and he's been working an extra day, I've been thankful for Oliver's good spirits. Most of the time there isn't enough hours in the day. Especially when Oliver goes to bed at 9 and my alarm rings at 4:45 AM...I really hate 4:45 AM...
Last night, as I was trying to get Odie to eat something other than chickie nuggies, I decided to see if he would eat more with a fork...SO...I put the meatloaf on his tray and gave him a spoon and a fork...and he picked up the fork and started eating with it!!! He has a little trouble with stabbing stuff well, and the fork is actually a spork...probably so they don't poke their eye out.
I know to many, eating with utensils is a meaningless task, but I am amazed every day at what Odie can do. Now if I can only get him to talk! (I'm sure I'll take that back someday!)
Hope everyone reading this had a safe and wonderful Holiday. I would also like to thank all the people who gave Oliver (and us) wonderful gifts. I do have the thank you cards...I will mail them out someday :)
He is sooo stinkin cute! I'm glad to see where y'all have been all month, and to know Odie is feeling better, and I am totally amazed that he even attempting to eat with a fork! That us way early!!
Cute pics! He's a growing boy for sure! I'm trying to get Bryn to learn how to use a fork and spoon correctly. All she wants to do is stab at stuff, no matter if it's a fork or a spoon. LOL And I also wish she'd start talking too, all we hear is Ma and Da...which often become Mama and Dada. LOL
Cute pics - I love the pool table one. We have that same star stacker - girls like it a lot. I know they're a bit younger but so far not many teether either over here.
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