Sunday, March 29, 2009

I think I feel....a tooth!

Apparently teething is what every parent thinks is going on around this time...even if it isn't...but I do contest that that is exactly what is going on...

Not only does the Orajel stop the crying, when I feel his gums, there's something sharp in the side of his scar (from his neo-natal tooth). I'm pretty darn sure there wasn't anything sharp in there before...or at least there shouldn't be...

but we'll see if anything pops out...hopefully it will soon and Oliver won't be so sore....poor bub.

I'm excited for him to try bananas tomorrow. He has been scarfing down the carrots these past few days :)


Tiffany said...

Yay for baby teeth! :)

Amy Scott said...

I bet you're right! if you feel it, it has to be there!

And I bet he'll love bananas!