Monday, July 15, 2013

Honeysett Summer Visit

The boys always love their summer visit from the Honeysetts....well, we ALL do!  The weather is warm but the boys are always having the best time :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Color Run!

Aunt Tracy invited us to the Color Run and we were super excited.  I got Oliver and myself a ticket.  Come to find out, kids don't need tickets, so Jason and Spencer came too.  Then, Tracy's friend lost her dog and they missed the was Jason with Spencer on his back, me with Odie in the umbrella stroller and Tracy's friend Tammy who we lost within the first 5 minutes.  The entire 5K was a bit much to take on, but I think the kids had fun.  Perhaps we'll think a little differently for the next 5K...

The Pre-Run Pic