So, Jason and I took a wonderful visit to the OB ward at Sparrow around midnight last Thursday because of some mystery bleeding.
After the Nazi Resident was done torturing me, we left without any kind of explanation. She also insisted that an ultrasound was not necessary because they found the heartbeat on the doppler. They already have the machine in the room next door, it was already 3 in the morning...was it a big deal to check??????
So, Jason cancelled his D.C. trip in case there were any more problems, and we went up north. I was super super sore all weekend and went back to the Dr. on Tuesday...just to wait an hour to be told she doesn't know why I am so sore...BUT at least she thought an ultrasound was a good idea, even if she didn't think we would find anything wrong.
SO...I am starting to feel better today, and I have an U/S scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. We are still not sure why I am so sore...but we think it has something to do with the 2 foot stick the resident was poking me with...(You think I'm exaggerating, but the unfortunate part is that i am not...)
I'm predicting and hoping for a normal U/S tomorrow...and we might even get a peak at the sex :) YAY!